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Woojin Ahn
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Woojin is a postdoctoral research associate at the Center for Modeling, Simulation and Imaging in Medicine at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. He received his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology in 2010. His current research interests include surgery simulation, physics-based animation, and web-based multimodal interactive 3D applications.


Alina Alt
Applied engineer, NVIDIA

Alina is an applied engineer at NVIDIA where her responsibilities include helping users incorporate NVIDIA's GPUs, video products and video related driver features into their solutions and applications. She specializes in combining technologies in video processing applications and optimizing application performance in systems with multiple GPUs. Her past experience includes developing augmented reality applications for live sports telecasts and developing a scalable, CPU-based compute cluster graphics driver.


Edward Angel
Professor Emeritus of Computer Science, University of New Mexico

Ed is Professor Emeritus of Computer Science at the University of New Mexico (UNM) and was the first UNM Presidential Teaching Fellow. At UNM, he held joint appointments in Computer Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Cinematic Arts. He has held academic positions at the University of California at Berkeley, the University of Southern California, and the University of Rochester, and has held visiting positions in Sweden, the U.K., India, Venezuela, and Ecuador.

His research interests have focused on computer graphics and scientific visualization. At UNM, he was the founding director of the Art, Research, Technology, and Science Laboratory (ARTS Lab), a unique interdisciplinary center with educational, research, and economic development activities that span the range of digital media.

Ed's textbook, Interactive Computer Graphics, is now in its sixth edition. The third edition of the companion book, the OpenGL Primer, was published in 2006. His books have been translated into Russian, Chinese, Korean, and Japanese. He has taught over 100 professional short courses, including OpenGL courses at both SIGGRAPH and SIGGRAPH Asia.

He received a B.S. from the California Institute of Technology and a Ph.D. from the University of Southern California.


Nakhoon Baek
Professor, Kyungpook National University

Nakhoon is currently an associate professor in the School of Computer Science and Engineering at Kyungpook National University, Korea. He received his B.A., M.S., and Ph.D. in Computer Science from Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) in 1990, 1992, and 1997, respectively. His research interests include graphics standards, graphics algorithms, and real-time rendering. He implemented an in-house version of CGM/CGI graphics standards in the late 1990s, for a telephone company in Korea. Since 2005, he has been co-working with the graphics team in HUONE Inc. to commercially implement a set of graphics standards for embedded systems including OpenVG, OpenGL ES, OpenGL SC, and Collada.


Mike Bailey
Professor, Computer Science, Oregon State University

Mike is a professor in Computer Science at Oregon State University. Mike holds a PhD from Purdue University. Mike has worked at Sandia National Labs, Purdue University, Megatek Corporation, and the San Diego Supercomputer Center at UC San Diego. Mike has taught numerous classes at the college level (a combined 4000+ students), and at conferences (SIGGRAPH, SIGGRAPH Asia, SIGCSE, IEEE Visualization, and Supercomputing. Mike was five times voted Computer Science Teacher of the Year by the UCSD CS seniors. He was also voted Most Enthusiastic Professor by the OSU students in 2005 and received the Austin Paul teaching award from OSU's College of Engineering in 2008. Mike's research areas include a variety of topics in the field of scientific computer graphics, with a specific interest in GPU programming, visualizing volume datasets, solid freeform fabrication for visualization hardcopy, and stereographics.


Francesco Banterle
Post-Doc Researcher, Visual Computing Laboratory, ISTI-CNR, Italy

Francesco is a post-doc researcher at the Visual Computing Laboratory at ISTI-CNR Italy. He received a Ph.D in Engineering from Warwick University in 2009. During his PhD he developed Inverse Tone Mapping which bridges the gap between Low Dynamic Range Imaging and High Dynamic Range (HDR) Imaging. He holds a BSc and a MSc in Computer Science from Verona University. He is the first co-author of the book Advanced High Dynamic Range published by AK Peters in 2011. His main research fields are HDR Imaging, Rendering, and Parallel Processing (GPUs and shared memory systems).


Jesse Barker
Graphics Technical Lead, Linaro

Jesse is a Principal Software Engineer at ARM Ltd., where he is currently seconded as technical lead of the graphics working group to Linaro, a not-for-profit open source engineering company aimed at making Linux development for the ARM ecosystem easier and faster. Prior to his arrival at ARM in 2010, he enjoyed stints at ATI/AMD, Silicon Graphics, Digital, and a few smaller companies. Efforts for those enterprises ranged from development to design to leadership of technology as well as process and policy. He has touched just about every layer of the graphics stack on a number of platforms, and is excited to see how Linaro can help shape the direction of the graphics stack on Linux moving forward.


Venceslas Biri
Associate Professor, Université Paris-Est, LIGM

Venceslas is an associate professor in the LIGM laboratory of Paris Est University. He specializes in real-time rendering and global illumination, and has good knowledge in virtual reality. He also served as headmaster of the higher school of engineering, IMAC (Image, Multimedia, Audiovisual and Communication), from 2006 to 2011. A former engineering student of ENSIMAG, he also teaches mathematics and computer graphics.


Nicolas Capens
Graphics Technologist, TransGaming Inc.

Nicolas received his MSci.Eng. degree in computer science from Ghent University in 2007. Even from a young age he was fascinated by computer graphics, and he developed a passion for bringing 3D graphics to a wider audience. He wrote the fastest software renderer with shading capabilities known to date, and is deeply involved in projects to provide efficient translations between graphics APIs. Fueled by the ongoing convergence between CPU and GPU technology he strives to further blur the line between software and hardware rendering and make incompatibilities and limitations a thing of the past.

ANGLE | SwiftShader

Won Chun
Senior Software Engineer, Google, Inc.

Won is one of the tech leads for Google's websearch infrastructure efforts in NYC. In his 20% time, he also helped build and maintain Google Body, including designing a high-performance mesh compression format. Prior to Google, he dabbled in virtualization and user interface design at moka5, and developed holographic and volumetric rendering algorithms at Actuality Systems. Won has an S.B. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from MIT.

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Patrick Cozzi
Senior Software Developer, Analytical Graphics, Inc.
Part-Time Lecturer, University of Pennsylvania

At Analytical Graphics, Inc. (AGI), Patrick leads the graphics development of a Cesium, a WebGL virtual globe and map. He teaches GPU Programming and Architecture at Penn. Patrick is coeditor of OpenGL Insights and coauthor of 3D Engine Design for Virtual Globes. Before joining AGI in 2004, he worked for IBM and Intel. He has a master's degree in computer and information science from the University of Pennsylvania and a bachelor's degree in computer science from Penn State.

Cyril Crassin
Postoctoral researcher, NVIDIA Research

Cyril received his Ph.D in computer graphics from Grenoble university at INRIA in 2011. He is now a postdoctoral fellow at NVIDIA research. His Ph.D work focused on using pre-filtered voxel representations for real-time rendering of large detailled scenes and complex objects, as well as global illumination effects. In this context he developed the GigaVoxels rendering pipeline. Cyril has been supporting OpenGL development for many years through his icare3d website.

| Ph.D research

Suvranu De
Professor, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Suvranu is the Director of the Center for Modeling, Simulation and Imaging in Medicine, and Professor in the department of Mechanical, Aerospace and Nuclear Engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute with joint appointments in the Departments of Biomedical Engineering and Information Technology and Web Science. He received his Sc.D. in Mechanical Engineering from MIT in 2001. He is the recipient of the 2005 ONR Young Investigator Award and serves on the editorial board of Computers and Structures and scientific committees of numerous national and international conferences. He is also the founding chair of the Committee on Computational Bioengineering of the US Association for Computational Mechanics. His research interests include the development of novel, robust, and reliable computational technology to solve challenging and high-impact problems in engineering, medicine, and biology.


Charles de Rousiers
Ph.D Student, INRIA, France

Charles is currently a PhD candidate at INRIA Grenoble Rhone-Alpes in the ARTIS research team. He studies complex materials representation for realistic rendering under the supervision of Nicolas Holzschuch. He was a visiting scholar at UC Berkeley under the supervision of Ravi Ramamoorthi for 6 months.


Daniel Dekkers
Owner, cThrough

After graduating from Eindhoven University of Technology, department of Mathematics and Computing Science with honourable mention, Daniel Dekkers (1971) formed the company cThrough that focuses on collaborations between computer graphics-related computing science and various (artistic) fields, mainly contemporary art, modern dance, architecture and education. Various projects include: "Prometheus, poem of fire", a 25 minute animation by artist P. Struycken, for Dutch national television. "SpaceJart", an interactive zero-gravity biljart simulation for an exhibition at Eindhoven University of Technology. "Dynamix", a sensor-based stage projection for a ballet by Khrisztina de Châtel. "OptiMixer", a multicriteria optimization tool in collaboration with architectural firm MVRDV and Climatizer, a climate simulation game that was shown at the Cité de sciences et l'Industry, Paris. At the moment Dekkers is working on GPU programming (OpenCL, CUDA), cross-platform development, and iOS applications.


Marco Di Benedetto
Researcher, Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione (ISTI) of the National Research Council (CNR)

Marco is a researcher at the Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione (ISTI) of the National Research Council (CNR) in Pisa, Italy. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Pisa in 2011 with a thesis on real-time rendering of large multiresolution datasets. These topics are part of his research and publishing work in Computer Graphics, along with photorealistic rendering, out-of-core processing and rendering, and parallel GPU techniques. He is the creator of the SpiderGL library for the development of CG applications on the web platform.


Aleksandar Dimitrijević
Research and teaching assistant, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, University of Niš

Aleksandar is a teaching-assistant, researcher, senior programmer, team leader, and a Cisco Networking Academy instructor in the Faculty of Electronic Engineering, University of Niš. Since the completion of his undergraduate studies in 1997, he has been involved in teaching several courses at the University, such as data structures, programming, computer networks, computer graphics, and human-computer interaction. Aleksandar received a M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering in 2003 in the Faculty of Electronic Engineering, University of Niš. As a member of the Computer Graphics and Geographic Information Systems Laboratory, he has been involved in designing and implementing various information systems. Currently, his main research topic is the development of a large terrain rendering algorithm, as a part of his Ph.D. thesis.


Chris Dirks
Software Engineer, Intel

Chris is a JavaScript software engineer specializing in game and simulation development. His professional work includes content surrounding HTML5 and WebGL technologies. He is also an avid gamer, with his favorite genre being RPGs.


Benjamin Encz
Software Engineer, Excelsis Business Technology AG

Benjamin started with WebGL in January 2011 at IBM, developing a UI framework for his bachelor thesis. Currently, he lives and works in Stuttgart, Germany. He has a bachelor's degree in Applied Computer Science from the Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University. Benjamin is a Software Engineer at Excelsis Business Technology AG, where he focuses on the conception and development of iOS applications. Next to his job, he enjoys tracing WebGL's development, and video game programming.


Lin Feng
Associate Professor, School of Computer Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Dr Lin Feng is currently an Associate Professor and the Programme Director, MSc (Digital Media Technology), at the School of Computer Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. His research interest includes computer graphics, biomedical imaging and visualization, as well as high-performance computing. He has published more than 150 technical papers, and he has been serving Editorial Board, Guest Editor / Reviewer for tens of journals and books. Dr Lin is a Senior Member of IEEE.


Alexandros Frantzis
Graphics Software Engineer, Linaro

Alexandros is an Electrical and Software Engineer and a longtime Free (as in speech) Software supporter. He has worked on many aspects of graphics and multimedia technology on GNU/Linux based embedded systems, including protocol and data handling of streaming video, user interface creation, DirectFB driver development, and OpenGL ES 2.0 application development. He is currently a member of the Linaro Graphics Working Group, developing benchmarking tools for OpenGL ES 2.0, and enhancing graphics related Free and Open Source Software libraries and applications to take advantage of the powerful 3D GPUs available on modern ARM-based hardware.


Lionel Fuentes
Engine programmer, Asobo Studio

Lionel started programming at the age of 15, out of curiosity, to understand how computers work and for the fun of making programs and video games. He graduated from INSA Toulouse Engineering School, specialized in Computer Science and studied one year in Tohoku University, Japan, researching the field of real-time global illumination. He now works for video games editor Asobo Studio as an engine programmer. His tasks include audio engine development, graphics programming, memory management, optimization, and tools development. He enjoys spending his free time playing the guitar, participating in amateur video games development, and playing Wii with his girlfriend.


Fabio Ganovelli
Research scientist, Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione (ISTI) of the National Research Council (CNR)

Fabio received his PhD from University of Pisa in 2001. Since then, he published in the fields of deformable objects, geometry processing, out-of-core rendering and manipulation of massive models, photorealistic rendering, image-to-geometry registration, and education. He is a core developer of the Visualization and Computer Graphics Library and served as reviewer and/or chair for all the main journals and conferences in Computer Graphics. He is currently a research scientist at the Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione (ISTI) of the National Research Council (CNR) in Pisa, Italy.


Simon Green
Senior member, Developer Technology, NVIDIA

Simon is a senior member of the Developer Technology group at NVIDIA. He started graphics programming on the Sinclair ZX-81, which had 1 kB of RAM and a screen resolution of 64 by 48 pixels, and has been trying to improve the quality of real-time graphics ever since. He received a B.S. in computer science from the University of Reading in 1994. Simon has been at NVIDIA since 1999, where he has worked on numerous projects including the early Geforce graphics demos, games such as Doom 3, and NVIDIA's OpenGL and CUDA SDKs. He is a frequent presenter at the GDC and SIGGRAPH conferences, and was a section editor for the original GPU Gems book. His research interests include cellular automata, physically-based simulation on GPUs, and analogue synthesizers.


Stefan Gustavson
Senior lecturer in computer graphics and image processing, Visual Computing Laboratory, Linköping University, Sweden

Stefan, born 1965, received his PhD in image processing in 1997. His interest in computer graphics has had him fiddling with raytracers since the 1980's, and he has been hacking in OpenGL since version 1.0. Apart from the procedural noise and texture-related work presented in this book, he is involved in research into next generation image-based lighting by higher-dimensional light fields, an area where computer graphics meets image processing.


Tansel Halic
Research Assistant, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Tansel received B.Sc. and M.Sci. in Computer Science from Marmara University, Istanbul in 2001 and 2004 respectively. He later continued his research at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock. His research focused on surgical simulation in virtual and augmented environments. He obtained a Masters Degree in Applied Science specialized in applied computing. He later on moved to Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, and has been pursuing his Ph.D. degree in the Department of Mechanical, Aerospace and Nuclear Engineering. His research interests include framework design, surgical simulations in virtual reality environments, and real-time algorithms for interactive multimodal simulations.


Ashraf Samy Hegab
Games Development Lead, Orange R&D

After working in the games industry for seven years as a Rendering engineer for console titles such as F1 2010, 50 Cent Blood on the Sand, and Brian Lara International Cricket, Ashraf moved to the Service Evolution and Games division of Orange R&D, where we focus on the intersection between mobile, desktop, and web to improve our software development strategies and the utilization of emerging technologies into our products and services.

Adrien Herubel
R&D Engineer, Ubisoft Motion Pictures

Adrien is a R&D engineer in the motion picture department of Ubisoft. He is part of the team developing a proprietary real-time previzualisation engine, and an offline renderer. He also worked in a VFX studio called DuranDuboi, where he developed the low-level layers of the geometry pipeline. He is currently in the process of finishing his thesis on real-time massive model rendering.

Sébastien Hillaire
Graphics Programmer, Criterion - Electronic Arts

Sébastien obtained his PhD in computer science from the French National Institute of Applied Science in 2010. After one year at Dynamixyz, he became a graphics programmer at Criterion - Electronic Arts. He has fell in love with OpenGL many years ago, and cannot stop using it for high quality graphics and appealing visual effects.


Ladislav Hrabcak
Co-Founder, Outerra

Ladislav has been interested in computer graphics since 1997, and later co-founded Outerra where he currently works mainly on Outerra Engine's OpenGL-based renderer.

Scott Hunter
Software Engineer, Analytical Graphics, Inc.

Scott is a software developer at Analytical Graphics, Inc. (AGI), where he builds analysis libraries in C# and Java, and client-side visualization in HTML, JavaScript, and WebGL. Prior to joining AGI, he wrote software as a consultant for a wide range of clients in the pharmaceutical, legal, retail, and game industries, using a mix of nearly every modern platform and language. Scott has a bachelor's degree in Computer Science from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.


Lindsay Kay
Software Engineer, BioDigital Systems

Lindsay is the author of SceneJS, an open-source WebGL-based 3D scene graph engine geared towards rendering detailed scenes for visualisation applications. By day he works as a software developer at BioDigital Systems, where he is responsible for the 3D engine within the BioDigital Human.

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Brano Kemen
Co-Founder, Outerra

Brano is the co-founder of Outerra. His main interests include procedural techniques for generation of terrain and other natural and artificial phenomena; and large-scale world rendering.

Pyarelal Knowles
PhD Student, School of CS & IT, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia

Pyarelal is a PhD student at RMIT University, Melbourne, with research interests in real-time computer graphics and physics simulations. He completed his Bachelor of IT (Games and Graphics Programming) in 2008, before a Comp. Sci. (Honours) year in 2009 at RMIT.


Daniel Koch
Senior Graphics Architect, TransGaming Inc.

Daniel received his M.Math degree in computer science from the University of Waterloo in 2002. He has a strong background in 3D graphics, specializing in OpenGL. He is an active member of the Khronos OpenGL and OpenGL ES working groups. Daniel is currently the Senior Graphics Architect at TransGaming. He has been with TransGaming since 2002, where he has been instrumental in advancing the graphics technology used for Cedega, Cider, and GameTree TV which provide an implementation of Direct3D using OpenGL/OpenGL ES. He is the project lead for ANGLE which provides an implementation of OpenGL ES 2 using Direct3D.

Geoff Leach
Lecturer, RMIT University

Geoff is a lecturer at RMIT University, Melbourne, where he has been using OpenGL for teaching computer graphics since the 1.0 days. He has won a number of teaching awards and finds a rewarding challenge in guiding and enthusing students about learning an area which many find technically difficult. His research interests are fairly broad, and include computer graphics, computational geometry, GPU computing and computational nanotechnology. Geoff received a BAppSc with distinction from Swinburne University in 1984 and MAppSc from RMIT University in 1990.


Hwanyong Lee
Chief Technical Officer, Huone Inc.

Hwanyong is currently Chief Technical Officer of HUONE Inc., Korea. He received his B.A. in Computer Science from Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) in 1990, M.S. in Computer Engineering from Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) in 1992, and Ph.D. in Computer Engineering from Kyungpook National University in 2011. His research interests include computer graphics; embedded system software; and game design and development. Since 2004, he has been developing graphics software for mobile devices as Chief Technical Officer of HUONE Inc.


Christopher Lux
Pre-doctoral research associate, aculty of Media - Virtual Reality Systems Group, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Germany

Christopher currently is a pre-doctoral research associate with the Virtual Reality Systems department at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Germany. In 2004 he graduated from the Ilmenau University of Technology in computer science with a major in computer graphics. His research interests include real-time rendering, scientific visualization, and visual computing.


Dzmitry Malyshau
3D Game Engine Developer

Dzmitry is an enthusiast in computer science. He was born in Belarus and there received his professional degree in mathematics and programming. He moved to Canada in order to work on a real-time 3D engine and computer games development for touch-screen devices. Besides experimenting with 3D rendering ideas, Dzmitry also researches data compression and artificial intelligence.

Project KRI


Arnaud Masserann
R&D engineer, Virtualys

Arnaud graduated from the INSA of Rennes, France in 2010. He works as a R&D engineer at Virtualys, which has been making serious games for more than 10 years. He spends most of his time playing with Unity, Ogre, and bare OpenGL. He is the main author of, and makes triangles for a living.


Jon McCaffrey
System Design Engineer, NVIDIA Corporation

Jon works at NVIDIA on the Tegra Graphics Performance team, working to improve performance and user experience. He graduated in 2011 from the University of Pennsylvania in 2011 with a MSE in Computer Science and a BSE in Digital Media Design. At Penn, he was a teaching assistant for two years for CIS 565, GPU Programming and Architecture. Before coming to NVIDIA, he interned at LucasArts in 2010 working on in-engine animation tools and worked as a research assistant at the SIG Center for Computer Graphics.

Bruce Merry
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town

Bruce did his PhD at the University of Cape Town, specializing in character animation. In 2008, he joined ARM as a software engineer working on Mali graphics products. He has now returned to the University of Cape Town to do a postdoc. He is funded by the Centre for High Performance Computing to do research in GPU acceleration of computer graphics algorithms. When not doing computer graphics, Bruce is a regular participant in programming contests.


Muhammad Mobeen Movania
PhD Scholar, Nanyang Technological University

Muhammad received his Bachelor of Computer Sciences from Iqra University Karachi in 2005. After his graduation, he joined Data Communication and Control pvt. ltd as a software engineer, working on DirectX and OpenGL API for producing real-time interactive tactical simulators and dynamic integrated training simulators. His research interests include volumetric rendering, GPU technologies and real-time volumetric lighting, shading, and shadows. He is currently pursuing his PhD from NTU and his proposed area of research is GPU-accelerated advanced volumetric deformation and rendering under the advice of Associate Professor Lin Feng. He is the author of the open source project OpenCloth that details all of the existing cloth and soft body simulation algorithms in a simple OpenGL based C++ library.

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Bruno Oliveira
PhD student, researcher, Porto Interactive Center, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade do Porto

Bruno was born on Christmas day, back in 1978, in Porto, the place where he still lives today. He studied Computer Science and later on got his MSc in Computer Graphics. In between, he had several jobs, from network administrator, to software development, to trainee, to researcher on different University projects. Today he is a researcher at the Porto Interactive Center, a research group dedicated to innovation in Computer Graphics and Human-Computer Interaction, and is completing his PhD dissertation in the same area.


Matt Pettineo
Graphics Programmer, Ready At Dawn Studios

Matt first began studying graphics programming during college, while developing an interactive 3D simulation program for an autonomous vehicle. Today he works as a full-time graphics programmer in the games industry, and regularly contributes graphical samples and research to his blog, The Danger Zone. His interests include image processing, physically-based lighting and material models, and GPU optimizations. Matt is currently a graphics/engine programmer for Ready At Dawn Studios, as well a DirectX/XNA MVP since 2009.


Daniel Rákos
Software Specialist

Daniel is a hungarian software designer and developer; computer graphics enthusiast; and hobbyist OpenGL developer for ten years. His primary field of research is GPU-based scene management, batching, and culling algorithms.


António Ramires Fernandes
Assistant Professor, Universidade do Minho (University of Minho), Portugal

António is an Assistant Professor at University of Minho, where for the past 15 years he has been teaching and researching computer graphics, focusing on real-time graphics. He is also the maintainer of Lighthouse3D, a site devoted to teaching OpenGL and 3D graphics.


Christophe Riccio
OpenGL Gardener

Christophe is a graphics programmer with a background in Digital Content Creation (DCC) tools, game programming, and GPU design research. He is also a keen supporter of real-time rendering as a new media for art. Enthusiast since high-school, he has a MSc degree in computer game programming from the University of Teesside.

He joined e-on software to study terrain editing and to design a multi-threaded graphics renderer. He worked for Imagination Technologies on the PowerVR series 6 architecture. He is currently working for AMD doing some OpenGL gardening.

For the past ten years, Christophe has been an active OpenGL community contributor, including contributions to the OpenGL specifications. Through G-Truc Creation, he writes articles to promote modern OpenGL programming. He develops tools, GLM and the OpenGL Samples Pack, which are part of the official OpenGL SDK.


Philip Rideout
Tools Developer

Philip works on shading tools at an animation studio. In his previous lives he worked on surgery simulators, GPU developer tools, and GLSL compilers. Philip has written a book on 3D programming for iOS devices and he has a blog at In his spare time he can be found walking his dog at the Berkeley Marina.


Omar A Rodriguez
Software Engineer, Intel Corporation

Omar is a Software Engineer with Intel's Software and Service Group. He focuses on real-time 3D graphics and game development. Omar holds a B.S. in Computer Science from Arizona State University. Omar is not the lead guitarist for The Mars Volta.


Jochem van der Spek

Jochem (1973) studied Media Design at the High School of the Arts in Utrecht, The Netherlands. Following a short career as CGI artist and operator of motion capture systems, he created the indy-game 'Loefje', about artificial biological evolution and various artworks that focus on the origin of 'alive' motion versus 'mechanical' motion. These works were exhibited in numerous shows and acquired by several museums worldwide. Recently, he has created the game 'StyleClash - The Painting Machine Construction Kit' and is currently working on a version of Loefje for the iPad. | |

Dirk Van Gelder
Engineering Lead

Dirk has worked on tools for rigging, animating, and simulating characters in the feature film industry since 1997. Most recently this includes leveraging the GPU for visual detail in animator interaction.


Shalini Venkataraman
Senior Applied Engineer, NVIDIA

Shalini is a senior applied engineer at NVIDIA where she works on using GPUs to solve imaging and visualization problems in Medical, Oil&Gas, and Scientific Computing domains. Prior to that she was a research staff at various high performance computing centers in the US and Singapore. Her interests are in parallel and large data visualization. She earned her MS from the University of Illinois at Chicago and BS from the National University of Singapore.


Fabio Zambetta
Senior Lecturer, School of Computer Science and IT
RMIT University

Fabio Zambetta received his MS and PhD in computer science from the University of Bari (Italy) investigating the use of 3D personas as adaptive intelligent interfaces. He is now a senior lecturer with the School of Computer Science and IT, RMIT University (Australia). His current research focus is on procedural generation of game play, player modeling, and GPU computing for video games.


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